You Don't Have To Go To College To Be Well Off

You Don't Have To Go To College To Be Well Off

Not everyone needs college.

I heard it all throughout growing up and through high school. 

College, College, College. "If you don't go to college you'll be homeless and working at McDonalds for the rest of your life. 

Screw College. According to The Washington Post only 62.1% of college graduates work a job that required a degree and a whopping 27.3% of college graduates have a job that closely related to their major. 

Doesn't seem so important now does it?

Here are some jobs with real skills that will start you off on a good wage. (wages based off the state of Massachusetts).

9 Jobs You Don't Need College For:

Plumber - $27.96 - $45.48/hour

Crane Operator - $27.96 - $45.98/hour

Commercial Driver - $25.96 - $37.59/hour

HVAC Tech - $24.58 - $39.78/hour

Heavy Equipment Mechanic - $25.66 - $36.83/hour

Auto Body Repair - $22.34 - $34.66/hour

Carpenter - $16.00 - $52.00/hour

Welder - $21.33 - $30.74/hour

Auto Mechanic - $21.02 - $32.19/hour


You don't necessarily need college to do great in life. You can get to where you want to be all on your own. 


- Sir Galahad

The SASC Foundation 

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