The Truth about the Food Industry
I was watching Netflix when I came across the documentary called “What the Health”.
They talk about diet and disease and how it comes from the billion dollar food, healthcare and pharmaceutical industries in control. This got me interested.
First let's focus on the food industry aspect and how truly frightening and scary the facts are as someone who’s worked in a deli, when I heard about the dangers of deli meat and processed food I was shocked to learn how bad it is for you.
Let's go over what processed food and red meats are.
According to Harvard’s The Nutrition Source. Processed meat is meat that has been transformed through salting, curing, fermentation, smoking or other processes to enhance flavor or improve preservation.
Red meat – unprocessed mammalian muscle meat such as beef, veal, pork, lamb, mutton, horse and goat meat.
Processed food includes cold cuts, bacon, hot dogs and sausages etc. Fresh chicken, turkey, beef, pork and fish are also included.
You may be saying to yourself “I eat some of these everyday” and so am I.
Only problem is that processed meats like these are cancerous. The fact is processed meats are a group one carcinogen. Here’s where it gets really fucked up. Other carcinogens in this group include cigarettes and asbestos.
Why is no one talking about how dangerous these foods are especially when they’re linked to cancer.
So just like the documentary. I went to the American Cancer Society’s website which is by the way and looked through their website. In their eat healthy and get active tab they show recipes for meals encouraging you to eat these cancerous foods. To take this even further I clicked through their website to see their proud sponsors and saw they were taking money from the same companies we should be worried about. For example Hormel Foods and Perdue.
Today ⅔ of Americans are overweight. “No one wants to fat shame, and we all want everybody to be comfortable with our bodies, but this movement to be comfortable with our bodies has made us comfortable with being sick and that's a huge problem.” -Dr. Garth Davis Weight Loss Surgeon at the Davis Clinic
This screams FOOD to me but it’s also because we don’t have proper guidance. Even in schools they tell you the wrong things to eat. Remember those posters of meal plans in the cafeteria at school? Turns out those are wrong and heavily influenced by these cancer causing companies for money.
I looked it up and the poster I remember in my cafeteria had these listed
-Fruits, Grains, Veggies, Protein, and dairy.
Protein, Protein, Protein, every gym bro overly expresses the need for protein. Since we’ve already talked a little about red meat I’m going to talk a little more about it but also more about chicken.
Diabetes. We are made to believe diabetes is caused by an excess of sugar consumption and or caused by eating sugary foods. At least I did. Turns out there is evidence to support that diabetes is actually not caused by that. It is actually caused by eating an excess of meat. Diets that are high in protein cause the diabetes.
A quote from states “Higher intake of red meat and poultry is associated with significantly increased risk of developing diabetes, which is partially attributed to their higher content of heme iron in these meats, new research shows.”
Time to talk about our beloved chicken. The reason chicken isn’t so good for you is because of the amount of sodium they have. Some can even have 800 mg of sodium per 6 ounces due to the injection of saline so that it will stay “juicy”.
Not to mention the contaminants that cover chicken and the red meat you buy at the grocery store. Tests show 88% of pork chops have been contaminated with fecal bacteria, 90% of ground beef contaminated with fecal matter and 95% of chicken breast contaminated with fecal matter.
There are other ways to get protein. The only way to get pure protein is from plants. Protein can only be made by plants. Plants take nitrogen from air, break the molecules apart and turn them into amino acids to make protein. So, getting your protein through meat is completely unnecessary. It’s just a middleman because you’re just eating recycled protein. The movement where you need red meat and or chicken to get PROTEIN to build muscle is total BULLSHIT. To add onto my point: The most strongest and powerful animals on the planet are HERBIVORES. ALL OF THEM.
Get others to reflect on that.
Dairy was also on the chart. Are you aware that 68% of the world’s population is lactose intolerant. This means that schools are promoting drinking milk knowing that a good amount of the students will get sick. I shouldn’t even have to mention that dairy is the #1 source of saturated fat. Many of us drink cow milk which is for the calf to get the essential nutrients to grow. So as the calf grows it doesnt need it anymore. Neither do we but yet we still consume these dairy products which continue to make us sick. Dr. Paul Porras (M.D.) Pediatrician says that “Cow's milk protein is the most allergenic food.” Remember being told that milk will help your bones grow strong. Turns out that was a lie too. According to Dr. Michael Greger, a Physician and New York Times bestselling author claims “People that drink milk have higher rates of hip fractures, have more cancer and live shorter lives.” In fact, drinking dairy as a man increases the risk of prostate cancer by 34%. Dairy is actually really addictive. There's a reason for that claim: The casein protein in dairy products gets digested and turns into casomorphins. These compounds go to the brain attached to the receptor that heroin attaches to. This doesn’t mean it’s as addictive as heroin but it's strong enough to keep you wanting more.
Switching Topics.
Red Dye 40
What is Red Dye 40?
Red dye 40 is a food dye which is made from petroleum. PETROLEUM. Oil.
Google defines petroleum as a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons that is present in certain rock strata and can be extracted and refined to produce fuels including gasoline, kerosene, and diesel oil.
Would you willingly drink gasoline? It is labeled as safe by the FDA. The Center for Science however believes it may be dangerous enough to be causing allergies especially allergies in young and developing children. Red 40 is actually linked to mental disorders for example ADD and ADHD.
A quick definition for these from google “chronic conditions including attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. ADHD often begins in childhood and can persist into adulthood. It may contribute to low self-esteem, troubled relationships, and difficulty at school or work. Symptoms include limited attention and hyperactivity. Treatments include medication and talk therapy.”
A quote from states that “Indeed, a review of 34 studies estimated that 8% of children with ADHD living in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada may have behavioral symptoms related to synthetic food colors and Synthetic food colors are thought to cause behavioral symptoms in children because they may cause chemical changes in the brain, inflammation from an allergic response, and the depletion of minerals, such as zinc, that are involved in growth and development.”
Some food groups that have Red 40 are dairy products, baked goods, snacks and drinks. Some basic examples would be yogurt, milk, ice cream, candy, cakes, gum, cereal, chips, soda, sport drinks and energy drinks.
So you know what to looking for Red 40 is often labeled as:
- Red 40
- Red 40 Lake
- FD&C Red No. 40
- FD&C Red No. 40 Aluminum Lake
- Allura Red AC
- CI Food Red 17
- INS No. 129
- E129
- Sir Galahad
The SASC Foundation
Social Anxiety Social Club
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