The whole everyone is an NPC is a good trend all in all but some people seem to think most of us literally believe we think they are actual NPC’s. 


By thinking this way you prove us right in thinking you are an “NPC”. 


We don’t actually think they are NPC’s but rather use it as a metaphor


What we really mean is YOU ARE NOT A FREE THINKER.


You watch and BELIEVE everything the news tells you. You believe what people tell you without actually doing the research for yourself. 


A study was done by an ivy league college which came to the conclusion that “60% of American citizens get the news from their phones and no longer from tv.” To that statement I have to say if you believed it without asking for the college or reference study then you are NOT a free thinker because I made it up. 


If you got offended by this post in any way then this was directed towards YOU.

 - Sir Galahad 

The SASC Foundation

Social Anxiety Social Club

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