Never Force a Conversation

Never Force a Conversation

Never Force a Conversation 

When talking to a woman the most powerful tool in your arsenal is your attention and your ability to walk away.

When a woman isn't acting right you don't argue with her. You tell her you don't like it and immediately take away your attention. This works even better if she actively sees you giving that same attention to another girl.

When a woman calls never answer on the first ring as it's a sign of desperation. Personally I don't even answer on the first call but that's more of an advanced move just wait 3 or 4 rings and then you should pickup.

If you get on the phone only to find her being disrespectful then you need to tell her "Don't talk to me like that". If she does it again hang up.

If she calls and she's not engaging or she's boring you then tell her you're busy and hang up. Do something more productive with your time. If you aren't talking about linking you shouldn't be on the phone. A phone call should really only last 30 minutes an hour tops if it's really good conversation.

Remember every second you spend talking to her is a second spent away from your purpose and NO woman is more important than your purpose. 


- Sir Gareth 

The SASC Foundation

Masculine Mindset

Social Anxiety Social Club

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