How to Maintain Composure

How to Maintain Composure

How to Maintain Composure 

As human beings we are our emotions. We all have feelings but how we deal with these feelings is important.

Ever notice how when a woman is losing an argument she begins to cry and if you care for her you start feeling bad?

They are aware of this and it's for this very reason they cry. Do not be swayed by these manipulative tactics.

When this doesn't work they'll reveal who they truly are and you will hear some of the most hurtful things in your life. If you told her anything prepare to have it thrown in your face. The goal of this is to make you angry and emotional. You give her an emotional response she wins in her head.

Don't let her win and you do this by not taking anything she says seriously. Tell her she looks stressed and maybe she needs a bath or it's past her bedtime so maybe she get some rest.

The important thing to do is not to engage. Act as if she isn't talking. Patience and temperance are two vital skills that you need as a man. Never let a woman of all things get you emotionally uncentered.

Deal with it privately but don't give her the satisfaction of seeing you sweat. 


- Sir Gareth 

The SASC Foundation

Masculine Mindset

Social Anxiety Social Club

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