How to Deal with Being Left on Delivered/Read

How to Deal with Being Left on Delivered/Read

How to Deal with Being Left on Delivered/Read

Recently I've been talking to this girl. Now, when I first met her I got her snap and I made it clear that I wasn't looking for friendship through flirting, body language, and facial gestures. She would flirt with me in person but when I would send streaks out to everyone on snap I noticed she wouldn't send them back so I stopped sending them to her. She would always view my story but wouldn't text me. I wanted to message her more of course and it took a lot of discipline not to because I won't lie this girl is hot. Anyways I began to flirt with other girls in front of her, ignore her until she talked to me, and bring up other girls when I knew she could hear. Now we've already hung out once 1 on 1, she's on delivered indefinitely, and she isn't getting a text back anytime soon. Moral of the story is that the hotter you think she is the more you have to show her that she isn't. Never double text under any circumstances becuase it won't produce the desired outcome. Show her what she's missing & if she never talks to you again congratulations you just eliminated an attention whore from your life. Never be afraid to lose a girl when she's made it clear she isn't afraid to lose you. 

- Sir Gareth 

The SASC Foundation

Social Anxiety Social Club

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